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Source of Energy | Class 10th Science | CBSE Notes | Study World

Source of Energy || Class 10th Science || CBSE Notes || Study World

·        Source of Energy
§  Non-renewable Source of Energy
§  Renewable Source of Energy
·        Fuel
·        Ignition or Kindling Temperature
·        Calorific or Heat value  
·        Characteristics of a good fuel
·        Conventional source of energy
·        Fossil Fuel
§  Formation of Fossil Fuel
§  Pollution caused by fossil fuel
§  Controlling pollution caused by fossil fuel
·        Coal & Use of coal
·        Petroleum
·        LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas
§  Advantages of LPG : 
§  Danger of LPG
§  Precaution for using LPG
·        Natural Gas
·        Thermal Power Plant 
§  Construction 
·        Alternate Source of Energy 
·        Non conventional source of energy
·        Hydroelectric Energy 
§  Principle of Hydroelectric Power Plant
§  Construction
·        Dam and Reservoir
§  Control Gate
§  Penstock
§  Water turbine
·                     ·     Generator
§  Working: 
§  Advantages of Generating Hydroelectricity:
§  Disadvantages of generating Hydroelectricity:
·        Wind energy
§  Construction and Working: 
·        Solar energy
·        Solar Cooker
§  Construction
§  Working
§  Advantages
§  Limitation
·        Solar Cell
§  Advantages of Solar Panel:
§  Disadvantages of Solar Cell
§  Use of Solar Cell
·        Biomass  Energy
·        Cow Dung as a Biomass
·        Biogas Plant
§  Construction
§  Working:
§  Use of Biogas/Advantages of biogas
·        Energy  From the Sea
·        Tidal Energy
§  Limitation
·        Ocean Thermal Energy
§  Limitation
·        Sea Wave Energy: 
§  Limitation: 
·        Geothermal Energy: 
·        Nuclear Energy:
§  Nuclear Fission 
§  Nuclear Fussion
·        Nuclear Power Plant
§  Working:
§  Advantages of Nuclear Energy:
§  Disadvantages of Nuclear Energy
·        Einstein’s Mass Energy Relation: 

 Non-renewable Source of Energy:-

Those sources of energy which have accumulated in nature over a very, very long time and not cannot be quickly replaced when exhausted are called non-renewable source of energy.

For example :- Fossil fuel Coal Petroleum natural gas and nuclear fuel like uranium fuel etc.

Renewable Source of energy :- Those  source of energy which are being produced continuously in nature and are inexhaustible are called renewable source of energy. 

For example:- Wind energy, solar energy, energy from ocean, biomass energy, hydro energy,  geothermal energy, etc.

Fuel: These are the material which for brunt to produce energy in the form of heat and light. E.g. Coal, charcoal Petrol, diesel, kerosene oil, etc.

Ignition or Kindling Temperature: It is the minimum temperature at which a substance catch fire and start burning.

Calorific or heat value: It is amount of heat produced by burning a unit mass of substance completely in the presence of air. Its unit is KJ/gm or J/Kg.

Characteristics of a good fuel: Following are the characteristics of a good fuel:

(1) It should have a high calorific value

(2) It should have proper ignition temperature

(3) It should have a moderate rate of combustion.

(4) It should be cheap convenient to use and easy to handle.

(5) It should not leave any residue.

(6) It should not cause any pollution.

(7) It should burns smoothly.

(8) It should not produce any harmful gas.

(9) It should be easily available.

(10) It should be easy to transport.

Conventional source of energy: 

The traditional source of energy which is familiar to most people are called conventional source of energy. E.g. wood, charcoal, coal, solar energy, biomass energy, fossil fuel, petrol, etc.

Fossil Fuel: They are described as the pre-historic dead remain of plant and animal that get worried under the surface of earth million of year ago. E.g. Coal, Petroleum and natural gas, etc.

Formation of fossil fuels: Fossil fuel are supposed to being formed from dead remain of plant and animal, that got beautifully preserved in nature million of years ago due to earthquake and volcanoes in the absence of air due to chemical effect of heat,  pressure and bacteria. The remains of plant and animals convert into fossil fuels like Coal, Petroleum, and natural gas.

Fossil fuel should be used carefully. As they are very important non-renewable source of energy which got exhausted and cannot be regenerated.So they are very precious and should be used with great care, so that fossil fuels last as long as possible.

Coal : Coal is a complex mixture of a compound of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen and some free carbon. Some small amount of nitrogen and sulphur compounds are also present in coal.

Use of coal : Following are the uses of coal:-
(1) Coal is used as a fuel for heating purpose in home and industries.

(2) Coal is used as a fuel in thermal power plant to produce electricity.

(3) Coal is used to make coke, and this coke is used as a  reducing agent in the 
extraction of metals.

(4) Coal is used in the manufacture of fuel like coal gas.

(5) Coal is used in manufacture of petroleum and synthetic natural gas.

(6) Coal is important, because it can be used as a source of energy as such, or 

(7) it can be converted into other form of energy like coal gas, electricity and synthetic petrol.

Petroleum: Petroleum is a dark coloured viscous and foul smelling crude oil.The name petroleum means rock  oil as “Petra = rock” “ileum = oil”
It is called petroleum because it is found under the crust of earth trapped in rocks.

The crude oil petroleum is a complex mixture of several solid, liquid and gaseous hydrocarbon mixed with water, salt and earth particles.

The fractional distillation of petroleum gives us the following fractions which can be used as fuel : Petroleum gas,Gasoline,Diesel, Kerosene and fuel oil.

LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas:  LPG stand for Liquefied Petroleum Gas and consists mainly of butane alongwith small amount of propane and ethane which has been liquefied by pressure a strong smelling substance.

A strong smelling substance called ethyl mercaptan(C2H5S4) is added to LPG cylinder to help in the detection of LPG.

Advantages of LPG : 

 (1) LPG has a high calorific value, so it is good fuel. The calorific value of LPG is about 50 KJ/g. that is when 1 gram of LPG burn in a gas stop, it produces a 50 kJ of heat energy

(2) LPG burns with a smokeless flame and so does not cause any air pollution.

(3) LPG does not produce any harmful gas on burning

(4) LPG is easy to handle and convention to store.

(5) LPG is very neat and clean domestic fuel.

Danger of LPG: Through LPG is an extreme good domestic food but it is can be dangerous too. LPG is highly inflammable gas that it catch fire easily. Any leakage from the cylinder will form an explosive mixture in the kitchen and on lightning the matchstick an explosion will take place and the whole kitchen will be set on fire and person working in the kitchen may be brunt.

Precaution for using LPG: Following are the precaution for using LPG:-

(1) Before lightning a matchstick we should make sure that there is no foul smell of leaking gas in the kitchen.

(2) We should not use any hot flame like a kerosene lamp, Kerosene stove or electric heater near the gas cylinder.

(3) We should not use a leaking gas cylinder. The gas agency should be informed and the leaking cylinder should be replaced soon.

(4) The rubber pipe should be checked periodically for any wear and tear.

(5) In order to light the gas stove, we should first open the volume of cylinder and then turn on the knob of gas stove.

(6) In order to put off the gas stove, we should first close a valve of cylinder and after that the knob of the gas stove should be turn off.

(7) When the gas is not being used the valve of the gas cylinder and the gas stove must be kept of closed.

Natural Gas: Natural gas is another important fuel. Natural gas consists mainly of methane (CH4) with small quantity of ethane propane.
Natural gas is found under the earth crust either alone or along with above the petroleum deposits.

(1) Natural gas is used as a domestic and industry fuel.

(2) Natural gas is used as a fuel in thermal power plant for generating electricity.

(3) CNG ( Compressed Natural Gas )  is used as a fuel in transport vehicle like car bus and truck.

Thermal Power Plant : Thermal Power Plant is also known as thermal power station. Water is made to enter in the system and then heated, later which turn into the stream. The  steam spins in a steam turbine which efforts to electrical generator

Construction: Coal is burnt in a furnace to produce heat. This heat boils the water in the boiler B to form steam. The steam formed from the boiling water builds up a pressure. The hot steam at high pressure is introduced into the turbine Chamber having a steam turbine.
source of energy

The steam passes over the blade of the turbine as the high pressure Jet making the turbine rotate. The Shaft S of turbine is connected to a generator G. When the turbine rotates, its shaft rotate and drive the generator. The generator produce electricity. The spent steam coming out of the turbine Chamber is cooled. On cooling, steam condensed to form water. This water is again send to the boiler to form fresh steam. This process is repeated again and again.

Pollution caused by fossil fuel:  The main disadvantages of fossil fuel is that the burning of fossil fuels cause a lot of pollution in the environment this is explained below: 

(1) The burning of fossil fuel produce acidic gases are sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide.

(2) The burning of fossil fuel produce large amount of carbon dioxide which goes into ear and cause global warming.

(3) The burning of fossil fuel produced lot of smoke which pollute and cause asthma , cough.

(4) The burning of coal leave a lot of smoke. It also put tiny particle of ash called fly ash into the air causing air pollution.

Controlling pollution caused by fossil fuel: 

(1) The pollution of air caused by burning petroleum fuel in vehicle can we control by fitting the vehicle with catalytic converters. 

(2) The pollution of air caused by burning coal in thermal power plant and factories can be controlled by washing down the smoke and acidic gases by water in a scurbber. 

(3) The pollution caused by thermal power plant and factory can also be controlled by electrostatic precipitation in their Chimneys.

Alternate Source of Energy 

Non conventional source of energy: These source of energy which are not based on the burning of fossil fuel or splitting of atom of nuclear fuel called alternative source of energy or non conventional source of energy. The example of alternate source of energy are:  Hydroelectric energy, Solar energy, Biomass energy, Tidal energy, Sea wave energy, Thermal Energy and geothermal energy.

Hydroelectric Energy 

Principle of Hydroelectric Power Plant: The kinetic energy developed due to gravity in the following butter from higher level to lower level is utili
sed to rotate it Vine to produce electricity

Construction:- It consists of following parts.
source of energy

Dam and Reservoir: The dam is constructed on large river in hilly areas to ensure sufficient water storage at height.

Control Gate: The amount of water which is to be released in the penstock can controlled by control gate.

Penstock: A plastic is a huge steel pipe which carries water from reservoir to the turbine.

Water turbine: Water from Penstock is taken into the water turbine. The turbine is mechanically coupled to an electric generator. Kinetic energy of the water drive the turbine and consequently the generator that driven.

Generator: When the turbine blade are rotated it derives the generator and electricity is generated which is then stepped up with the help of transformer for the transmission.

Working: Water stored in the reservoir is allowed to fall through penstock to the turbine. The turbine installed at the bottom of the dam.

Since, the water fall through a large height from the dam, it flow very fast. The high pressure jet of fast flowing water push the blade of the turbine with a great force and make the turbine rotate rapidly, The turbine is connected to the generator which taken them derive and produce electricity.

Advantages of Generating Hydroelectricity:

(1) It does not produced environmental pollution.

(2) Flowing water is a renewable source of energy which will never exhausted.

(3) The construction of dam on river help in controlling flood and irrigation
Disadvantages of generating hydroelectricity:

The Problem associated with the production of electricity by hydroelectric power station are many. Some of these are given below:

(1) Large area of agricultural land, a vast variety of flora and fauna (Plant and animals) as well as human settlement(or Villages ) get submerged in the water  of reservoir formed by dam.

(2) The construction of dam also disturb the ecological balance in the downstream area of the river.

(3) The vegetation which is summarised under water at dam site rods under anaerobic conditions and produce a large amount of methane which is a greenhouse gases and hence harmful for the environment.

Wind energy : Moving air is called wind. The energy possessed by wind is due to the high speed. So the wing process kinetic energy.

The energy of wind is used for generating electricity through  wind power generator.

Construction and Working: 

wind mill

The windmill used for generating electricity is called wind turbine and the complete setup of generating electricity by using wind energy is called wind generator.

A wind generator is as shown in figure then the fast moving winter strike the blade of wind turbine than the wind turbine starts rotating continuously. The shaft of wind turbine is connected to a small generator. When the wind turbines rotate, its shaft also rotates and drives the generator. The generator produce electricity.

Solar energy : The sun is a source of all energy. the energy obtained from the sun is called solar energy.

 A device which get heated by using sun’s heat energy is called solar heating device. A solar cooker and solar water heater are solar heating device. all the Solar heating device are design in such a way that they help in collecting as much Sun’s heat as possible.

Solar Cooker: It is a device which is used to cook food by utilising the heat energy radiating by the sun.


A solar cooker consists of an insulated metal box or wooden box which is painted all black from inside. There is a thick glass sheet cover on the glass and a plane mirror reflector is also attached to the box is as shown in figure. The food to be to be cooked is put in metal containers which are painted black from outside.

Working:  In order to cook food, the Solar Cooker is kept in a sunshine outside the house, the reflector of solar cooker is adjusted in such a way that it faces the sun, when the sun’s ray  falls on the reflected. The reflector send them to the top of solar cooker box in the form of strong beam of light. Once the heat entered into the box, the glass cover does not allow them to go back.

The temperature of cooker box rise to about 100° C to 140° C into two or three hours. The food material like rice, pulse and vegetable  can be cooked in a box type solar cooker.


The important advantages of solar cooker are:

(1) The use of solar cooker for cooking food saves precious fuel like coal, Kerosene and LPG.

(2)  It also does not produce smoke.

(3) When food is cooked in solar cooker, it it’s nutrient do not get destroyed.

(4) In a solar cooker four item can be cooked at same time.

Limitation: Following are the limitation of solar cooker:

(1) The Solar Cooker cannot be used at night.

(2) If the day sky is covered with clouds, the Solar Cooker cannot be used for cooking food.

Solar Cell: Solar cell used the energy of sunlight to produce electricity. Thus solar cell is a device which convert Solar energy directly into electricity.

A solar cell is usually made of from silicon. A simple solar cell consists of sandwich of a silicon-boron layer and a silicon arsenic layer. The amount of boron and arsenic present in the  two silicon layer is however very small. A small piece of wire is is soldered at top and also in bottom. The strength of current produce depend on the brightness of the sunlight.

A single solar cell produce only a small amount of electricity. In those cases where more electric power is needed, a large number of solar cell are joined together. This group of cell is called solar cell panel or just solar panel.

Advantages of Solar Panel:

(1) The main advantages of Solar cell are that they have no moving parts, their required almost no maintenance and work quite satisfactory. Without the use of any light focus device.

(2) They can also used in hilly area where the laying of usual power transmission line is difficult and expensive.

Disadvantages of Soler Cell:  The main disadvantage of solar cell is that, they are very expensive. This is due to the following reason.

(1) The spherical Silicon needed for making solar cell is very expensive.

(2) Silver wire used to interconnect solar cell for making solar cell panel is very expensive.

(3) They can convert only about 25% of the light energy falling on them into electricity.

Use of Solar Cell:

(1) Solar cell are used for producing electricity in artificial satellites and space probes.

(2) Solar cell are used are used for providing electricity to remote in assessable and isolated place.

(3) Solar cell are used in street light, traffic signal.

(4) Solar cell are also used in many electronic device like calculator, watches etc.

Biomass  Energy

The dead remains or dead parts of plant and trees and the waste material of the animals are called Biomass Energy.

(1) Wood is also Biomass.

(2) When wood is burnt, lot of heat is produce. So, wood also give us biomass 

(3)Wood is renewable source of energy.

But, the traditional use of wood as a fuel has many disadvantages.

For example;
(1) The burning of wood produce a lot of smoke which polluted the air.

 (2) Wood has very low caloric value being only 17 KJ/g

Wood can be converted into a much better fuel called charcoal

Charcoal can be prepared from wood as follow: 

When wood is burnt in a limited supply of air than a water and other volatile substance in it get removed, and a black substance Charcoal is left behind. It is better fuel than wood because it has a high calorific value than wood about 33 KJ/g.

Cow Dung as a Biomass: It is also known as cattle dumg or animal dung.  Cow dung is excreta of cattle such as cow and buffaloes etc. When Cow dung is brunt it produces heat and   this heat is used for cooking.

Biogas Plant: Biogas Plant are pit sites where the anaerobic fermentation of biomas is carried out to produce biogas. 

It consists of a well shaped underground tank called digester and a dome shaped room all made of cement and bricks. The Dome of the digester act as a gas holder. There is a gas outlet at the top of the dome controlled by a valve.


The dung and water slurry is left in the digestor initially for a period of 50-60 days. The dung undergoes anaerobic fermentation in the presence of water with gradual evolution of biogas, which collects in the dome and used as a fuel by using gas valve and delivery pipe.

The spend slurry come out through overflowed tank which can be used as manure in the field.

Use of Biogas/Advantages of biogas:

(1) It is used as a fuel for cooking food.

(2) It does not cause any pollution.

(3) Biogas has a high calorific value.

(4) There is no short storage problem as it supplied directly to the gas stove.

(5) Biogas is also used for Lightning.

(6) Biogas is also used for generating electricity.

Energy  From the Sea

The energy from the sea can be obtained mainly in three forms.

(1) Tidal energy
(2) Wave energy
(3) Ocean Thermal Energy

(1) Tidal Energy: Tides are the huge sea waves which kept billions of litre of water in movement as they built up and recede twice a day. The tidal energy can be utilised by constructing the tidal dams.

The sea water rise during high tides is trap by using tidal barrage and allowed to fall on water turbine to generate electricity.

Limitation: Following are the limitation of tidal energy:

(1) The power output is variable.
(2) The conversion efficiency is very low.
(3) Very few sites are available for constructing tidal barrage.

Ocean Thermal Energy: There is always a temperature difference between the water in the surface of ocean and at the deeper level. At many place the temperature difference may rise to 20° C which produces energy in the form of Ocean Thermal Energy that can be converted into electricity.

Limitation: Followings are the limitation of Ocean Thermal Energy:

(1) A lot of capital investment is required.

(2) Conversion efficiency is very low.

Sea Wave Energy: Due to blowing wind on the surface of ocean/ sea at very fast speed. Sea wave move on its surface  and the kinetic energy of Sea waves is used to generate electricity.

Limitation: Followings are the limitation of Sea Wave Energy :

(1) Present available technology is very expensive.

(2) The power output is variable.

(3) Marine animal could be affected.

Geothermal Energy: Geo means Earth and thermal means heat. Thus  geothermal Energy is the heat energy from hot rocks inside the earth. This heat is used as a source of producing electricity.

Nuclear Energy:

The energy released during a nuclear reaction is called nuclear energy. It can be obtained by two types of nuclear reactions.
(1) Nuclear Fission, and
(2) Nuclear fusion

(1) Nuclear Fission : The word fission means to split up into two or more part. The process in which the heavy nucleus of the radioactive atom such as uranium, plutonium or thorium split up into smaller nuclei when bombarded with low energy neutron is called Nuclear Fission.

The fission reaction can be represented in the form of equation as:

The energy produced during nuclear fusion reaction is used for generating electricity has nuclear power plant.

Nuclear Power Plant

A power plant in   which the heat is required to make a steam and turn turbine to generate electricity and is obtained by nuclear reaction is called a nuclear power.

In nuclear power plant, the fision of the nuclear fuel uranium -235 is carried out in a steel pressure vessel V of Reactor R. The enriched uranium-235 rod marked A are inserted in the core, made of graphite block inside the reactor. Graphite is a moderator.

Baron rods are called as control rod because they absorb the excess neutrons when the reaction is out of control.

The reactor is enclosed in a concrete chamber M having thick walls to absorbs neutrons. Liquid Sodium or carbon dioxide is used as a coolant to transfer the heat produced in a reactor.  Rest of the arrangement at a nuclear power plant is shown in the figure:

Working: The control fission of Uranium-235 in the nuclear reactor produces a lot of heat energy. Liquid sodium absorbed the heat produced in the reactor. This extremely hot sodium is then passed into the coil of the heat exchanger. team at sodium is then passed into the coil of the heat exchanger containing water. Water absorb heat from hot solution and boil to form steam. The steam at high pressure is introduced into a turbine chamber Si having a turbine. The pressure of the steam rotate the turbine which then derive the generator and generator produce electricity.

Einstein’s Mass Energy Relation: 
Einstein said that mass and energy are equivalent and are related by the equation.

E = mC2 

Here E is amount of energy produce, m is the mass destroyed and C is the speed of light in vacuum.

For example:  If a mass of 1 kg of any matter could be destroyed in a nuclear reactor, then the amount of energy produced in by Einstein’s Mass-energy relation.

E = mC2 
E =  1 × (3 × 108)2 
E = 9 × 1016 J

Thus 1 kg of mass produces 9 × 1016 Joule of energy.

Energy Units for Expressing Nuclear Energy.

1 electron Volt = a Charge magnitude  × Potential of 1 Volt
i.e. 1 ev = 1.6 × 10-19 c × 1 Volt
              = 1.6 × 10-19 J

The electron volt is very big small bigger unit called million electron volts
1 million electron volts = 1• 602 × 10-19 × 106 Joules

Or 1 mev = 1• 6 × 10-13 Joules

Nuclear Fussion:- The word fussion means to join or to combine. The process in which two nuclei of light elements like hydrogen combine to form a heavy nucleus like that of helium is called nuclear fussion. The fussion reaction can be written as

A fussion process is just opposite to fission process.

Advantages of Nuclear Energy:

(1) It produces a large amount of energy from a very small amount of Nuclear fuel.

(2) Once the nuclear fuel (like Uranium - 235) loaded in the reactor. The nuclear power plant can go on producing  electricity for 2-3 year at a stretch.

(3) It does not produce gases like CO2 which contributes to green house effects.

Disadvantages of Nuclear Energy:-

(1) The waste material of nuclear radioactive which kept on emitting harmful nuclear radiation for thousand of years.

(2) There is a high risk of accident in nuclear reactors.

(3) The high cost of installation is also a disadvantage.

(4) The Limited stock of Uranium is also a major disadvantage.


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