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Periodic Classification of Elements || Class 10th Science || CBSE Notes || Study World

Periodic Classification of Elements || Class 10th Science || CBSE Notes || Study World
Dear Students, Today we are providing notes of Class 10th Chapter- Periodic Classification of Elements Notes. These notes are very helpful for the students of 10th Class to scored good marks.

This Chapter Includes the following topics

 • Introduction Classification of elements
• Need for classification of elements
• Dobereiner’s  Law of Triads
• Limitation of Dobereiner’s Triad
• Newland’s Law of Octave
• Limitations of Newland’s Law of Octaves
• Mendeleev Classification of Elements
• Modern Periodic Law
• Mendeleev’s Periodic Table
• Characteristics of Mandeleev’s Periodic Table
• Gaps in Mendeleev Periodic Table
• Advantages and merits of Mendeleev periodic table  
• Disadvantages of Mendeleev periodic table
• Modern Classification of Elements:
• Modern Periodic Law
• Modern Periodic Table
 • Characteristics of Modern Periodic Table 
 • Isotopes
• Isobars
• Isotones 
• Lanthanides and Actinide:
• Halogens
• Merits of Modern Periodic Table
• Characteristics of Period
• Valency Electrons
• Valency
•Size of Atom
• Metallic Character
• Chemical Reactivity
• Nature of Oxide
• Characteristics of Group
• Valency Electron
• Valency
• Size of Atom
• Metallic Character
•Chemical Reactivity
• Nature of oxides
• Some Important Definitions:
         • Ionisation
          • Electro positivity
         • Electro-negativity

Periodic classification of Element

Classification of elements: 

It is the systematic arrangement of element in such a way that the element with similar properties are placed together while the elements with dissimilar properties are separated.

Need for classification of elements

Since there are 118 element known at present and it is not an easy task to study each and every element and their property individually.
So, in order to systematize the study of chemistry and to make it more comprehensive, it is necessary to classify the element.

Earlier attempt made in the classification of element: 

Dobereiner’s  Law of Triads

This law as given by a German Chemist J W Dobereiner in 1871, which state that, when a group of three element with similar properties are arranged in the order of their increasing atomic mass than atomic mass of the middle element is found to be the arithmetic mean of the atomic mass of the other two elements.

Atomic Mass

Atomic Mass of Na = ( 7 + 39) ÷ 2 = 46 ÷ 2 = 23

Atomic Mass

Atomic Mass of Sr = ( 40 + 137) ÷ 2 = 177 ÷ 2 = 88.5 88

Atomic Mass

Atomic Mass of Na = ( 35•5 + 127) ÷ 2 = 162.5 ÷ 2 = 81.25 80

Limitation of Dobereiner’s Triad:

Dobereiner could identify only three triad as it was not possible to arrange all the then known element according to this law. Hence this law reject later on.

Newland’s Law of Octave:-

This law was given by an English chemist John Alexander Rina Newland
In 1866, which states that when the elements are arranged in the order of their increasing atomic mass then the properties of every 8 elements starting from a given element is the repetition of the first like the 8th note in an octave of music.

Li      Br     B       C       N       O       F
Na     Mg    Al      Si      P       S       Cl
K       Ca    

Limitations of Newland’s Law of Octaves:

(1) This law is applicable only upto calcium.

(2) This law worked only with the lighter elements.

(3) Newland assumed that onle 56 elements existed in nature and no more element would be discovered in future.

(4) Newland in some cases put two elements in the same slot.

Example: Cobalt (Co) Nickel (N)

Mendeleev Classification of Elements

In 1869, a Russian Chemistry teacher Dimitri  Ivanovich Mendeleev slightly modified Newland’s octave and  arranged the then known 63 elements in the order of their increasing atomic mass and found out that the property of the elements appear at regular interval. This repetition in properties of the elements is called Mendeleev’s periodic law and from the table of elements and called Mendeleev’s periodic table.

Modern Periodic Law: 

The properties of the element are the periodic function of their increasing atomic masses i.e. When the element are arranged in order of increasing atomic masses then their properties appear at regular intervals.

Mendeleev’s Periodic Table:

It is the systematic arrangement of element in certain group and periods when the elements are arranged in order of their increasing atomic mass.

Characteristics of Mandeleev’s Periodic Table :

(1) There are 8 vertical column in Mendeleev’s periodic table called  groups.

(2) The properties of elements in a group of similar.

(3) There are six horizontal rows in the Mendeleev’s periodic table called period.

(4) The property of element in the periodic is different.

(5) There are a few groups in original Mendeleev periodic table.

Gaps in Mendeleev Periodic Table

While farming his table he left some gaps in his table for those elements which were to be discovered

Mendeleev thought that these elements would be discovered later on and even predicted their properties from their position in the periodic table. 

Elements which were discovered later on were Gallium, Scandium (Sc) Germanium (Ge)

Advantages and merits of Mendeleev periodic table:  

(1) It made the study of chemistry more systematic and comprehensive.

(2) It give better classification that other as it is based on the more fundamental properties called atomic mass.

(3) It predicted the existence of some elements that has not been discovered at that time.

(4) It could accumulate noble gas when they would be discovered.

Anomalies/ Drawbacks/ Shortcoming/ Limitations/ demerits or disadvantages of Mendeleev periodic table:

1. Position of Isotopes: The position of isotope could not be explained as we know that the isotopes are the items of the same elements having same atomic number, but different atomic mass. So, they could have got separated place in the periodic table; but the isotopes are placed at the same place in the Mendeleev’s periodic table.

2. Wrong order of atomic mass of the same elements could not be explained.

3. A correct position could not be assigned to the hydrogen in the periodic table.

4. As some place chemically similar element are separated and dissimilar elements are grouped together.

Modern Classification of Elements:

Limitation in the periodic table of Mendeleev led to the conclusion that the atomic mass could not be the basis of classification of elements but atomic number could be.

So in 1913, Henry Moseley slightly modified Mandeleev classification by arranging the elements in the order of their increasing atomic number and found that properties of the elements appear at regular intervals.

Modern Periodic Law

The properties of the elements are a periodic function of their increasing atomic number, i.e. when elements are arranged in the order of increasing atomic number then the properties appear at regular intervals.

Modern Periodic Table

It  is the systematic arrangement of elements in certain groups and periods when the element are arranged in the order of their increasing atomic number.

Characteristics of Modern Periodic Table 

(1) It consists of 18 verticle columns called groups.

(2) The properties of all the elements in a group are similar.

(3) All the elements in same group have same number of valence electrons and have same valency.

(4) The valency electron of the elements determine their group  number.

(5) The elements on the extreme right of the periodic table are called noble gas.

(6) Elements in group 3-12 are called transition element.

(7) There are two separate rows in at the bottom of the periodic table called lanthanides and actinides.

(8) There are seven horizontal rows in modern periodic table called periods.

(9) The properties of all the elements are different. 

(10) Each period bring with alkyl metals except first which start from hydrogen and at and at noble gases.

(11) The number of shell in the electronic configuration of the element determine its product number.

(12) In the periodic table, metal have been separated from non-metals by some element called metalloids  which are place diagonally   regularly in the periodic table

Isotopes :

Isotope of the atom of same elements having same atomic number but different atomic mass.

periodic classification of elements     
periodic classification of elements

periodic classification of elements

periodic classification of elements

periodic classification of elements

Isobars: Isobars are the atom of different elements having different atomic number but same atomic mass.

periodic classification of elements                     

Isotones :

Isotones are the atoms of different element having same number of neutrons.


Lanthanides and Actinide:

The 14 rare earth element having similar properties which being after Lanthanium are called Lanthanides and  those starting from Actinium are called Actinide.

Lanthanides  58 to 71

Actinide   90 to 103


The element fluorine (f) chlorine (Cl)  bromine (Br) Iodine ( I ) Astatine (At) placed in group 17 modern periodic table are called halogen as they form salt with alkyl metals.

Merits of Modern Periodic Table:

(1) The modern periodic table is based on the atomic number of elements, which is the most fundamental property of element.

(2) The modern periodic table help us to understand why Elements in a group show similar properties but elements in different group show different properties.

(3) The modern periodic table explain the reason for the periodicity in properties of element.

(4) The modern periodic table tell us why the properties of elements are repeated after 2, 8, 18, 32 element.

(5) There is no anomalies in the arrangement of element in the modern periodic table .

(6) It has made the study of chemistry systematic and easy it act as an air of memory.

(7) A periodic table chart is used as a teaching aid in the chemistry in school and colleges.

(8) The type of compound found in by an element can be predicted by knowing its position in the periodic table.

Characteristics of Period

 The horizontal rows in the modern periodic table are called period.There are seven periods in Modern Periodic Table number  1 to 7.

Valency Electrons (or outermost electron )

On moving from left to right in a period, the number of valence electron in element increase from 1 to 8.

 On moving from left to right in each short period, the valency of elements increases from 1 to 4 and then decreased to 0

Size of Atom:  On moving from left to right in a period of the periodic table the size of atom decrease.

Metallic Character: On moving from left to right in a period, the metallic character of elements decrease but the non metallic character increases.

Chemical Reactivity: On moving from left to right in a period, the chemical reactivity of element first decrease and then increases.

Nature of Oxide: On moving from left to right in a period, the basic nature of the oxidedecreases and the acidic nature of oxide increases.

Characteristics of Group

Valency Electron : All the electrons of a group of periodic table have the same number of valence electrons.

Valency: All the elements in a group have the same valency.

Size of Atom: On going down in a group of periodic table, the size of atom increase .

Metallic Character: On going down in a group of the periodic table, the metallic character of the element increase.

Chemical Reactivity: The chemical reactivity of the metal increase on going down in a group of periodic table.

Nature of oxides: On going down in a group of periodic table, there is no change in the nature of oxide of element .

Some Important Definitions:

Ionisation: It is the maximum energy required to remove an electron from the outermost shell of an element.

Electro positivity: It is the tendency of element to lose electron or to gain positive charge it increases with the increase in atomic size. Metal are electropositive element electron.

Electro-negativity: It is the tendency of element to gain electron or to attain negative charge it decreases with the increase in atomic size.  Non-metal are called electronegative element. 


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